
beats by dre solo vein to have influe

Chapter 447 force shakes Zhe
The river is this person to come from thousand Yun starfish area, all at nine temple sky!Territory, the soul Cang department changes magically Ran peach body, each soul breathing on body very the Hun is thick, all obviously is the superior whom the self-discipline has results to show.
The bearer totally has 11, in front a person's soul falsely the body shoulder pole breadth, physical stature tall and big in stature male Jian.An eye hopes to go, such as a head of person's form suddenly and violently bear, soul black Mo of, the ferocious mien finishes a dew.
Moreover 10 people, obviously also all come from a self-discipline religious sect or noble family, their souls' seeming is all color of black An Mo, satisfied contain astonishing ferocious mien.The color of soul isn't in the soul falsely the body is above.Only fixing for the consummate real superior, or having the special self-discipline Mi the talented person of the method can check to explore.
The Ji vast sky is exactly this person.
11 superiors of Yun starfish areas condescend to come from the bleak bank of clouds together, for an instant dead star up of public surround, the vision isn't kind, the ferocious mien remits to gather into big current and curls up in the Ji vast sky to wait the person's body side.There is the omen of wildly fierce impact at any time.
Carefully!"Orchid aroma sweet and charming face.Show several sorrow of sharing.
"They are Yun starfishes area" black celestial spirits altar, of private in the sky, at Yun starfish area in, "black celestial spirits altar, the real strenght is extraordinary, although isn't equal to" turns over cloud vein to have influence so,can hardly also deal with for sky."A store of nine temple private in the sky, speak to remind right away, hope Ji vast sky caution.
For head that such as person's form suddenly and violently bear of"black celestial spirits altar.Superior.After condescending to come here, would be one surprised shout, surprised Cha with give thunder and give row two brotherses unexpectedly here, this guy didn't think more and should only gave thunder two brotherses be penned.
"You the mean guy of these sun star areas, not only dare to us" black celestial spirits altar, the living of detection star ground begins, unexpectedly the connecting our veins in the skies all trap for jailbird, really bold pack of sky of!Is recklessly and blindly do!"Suddenly and violently person's form bear spreads indignant soul storm violent radicalism, take him as center, the ferocious mien condenses substantial, the Shu ground bombs here toward the Ji vast sky.
The ferocious mien in the sky dashes about, even the airs are all blasted open, spread the voice of "Pa Pa", the ferocious mien of conflict falls in the dead star rock of underneath, the rock also blasts open together in succession, and the broken bits flies indiscriminately.
Was lightly wrinkly to knit the brows, the Ji vast sky suddenly stretched hand and raised hand one Yang.The brilliant colors of Can Can only act, just the Xuan covered with this a piece of district.
Is multicolored light act from five lines of of the dint Ning do but become.Five kinds of color intertextures make this multicolored together only act beautiful uncommon, and is in fine threads ice-cold, steaming hot of strength dispersion at light act up.
Chi Chi!Chi Chi!
Suddenly and violently person's form bear dashes about since then of ferocious mien violent radicalism.The shot beats at multicolored light the act spread strange voice above, sees the ferocious mien arouse to shoot, the affixture is in the soul mentality on the ferocious mien, in a short instant all gone.It is dispersed to drop into.
"The essence condescends to come!"
That person's form suddenly and violently the bear suddenly frightened to disgrace, seem to know and just discover now the circumstance is a bit uncanny, tightly stared at Ji vast sky to see and see, an in fine threads and very small mentality spreads to come over and stealthily touched brilliant colors light act for a while, and then hurriedly accepted to return to.
"Is really an essence to condescend to come!"Again surprised one person exhales a voice.Finally present a penny to be schocked on the face.The look in the eyes is also complicated to get up.
The essence condescends to come, these are just only ten Anne skies the private can make into of, this boy clearly only has nine of territory, actually and how condescend to come by essence this place?
Momentary, come from"black celestial spirits altar.Of these nine temple private in the sky, all stunned speechless, doesn't understand that the ground looking at Ji vast sky and has no a person to dare to again begin.
The person who owns entity can use all strength inside the body, this offensive that wants to compare only an absolute being soul is getting more effective, and anyones all understand this!
Is all bsolute being soul appearance of they, only at just the square explode the absolute being soul impact of Ji vast sky ground to just go, otherwise true if cross swords, they have congenital bad situation, time is more long, and this bad situation will be more obvious.
Because, the person who owns entity, the mentality can be added, but the person of absolute being soul appearance.Then can not attain this.
"Boy, who are you ?Why can your essence directly arrive at here?Still have, you know at you after death of be those 2 people turning over cloud vein in the sky of vein for sky?You know not to know to ask for vein in the sky, your meeting how?"Suddenly and violently person's form bear stops to make moves, the facial expression is uncertain cloudy or sunny, hum a way.
"This doesn't have relation Ji vast sky to sink to drink with you a , soon after query orchid at the side of body aroma:"Is my grandfather exactly and where?, Is small
Orchid aroma wry smile, pointed to point a faraway stars, helpless way;"He should still in the neighborhood of that stars, after fighting occurrence, we separated.I didn't know that which stars he arrived to ascend as well."
"You sooner or later drive greedy of the heart harm dead!"The Ji vast sky hums 1 and turns head to took a look that to gives thunder and give row, and then hopes to watch from a distance this Zha.Person's form suddenly and violently bear, deeply take a suck at spirit, way:"You entirely leave for me first, waiting my certain my grandfather to having no after the event material self will put you, if my grandfather has what misfortune, hum!My Tu Guang"black celestial spirits altar, of person!"
"Small boy extremely conceited!"Suddenly and violently that person's form bear shouts at top of voice, full face exasperation:"Doing not think that you are an essence to condescend to come is omnipotent, here, our 11 people begins together, you also only have dead end a ".
"BE?"Ji vast sky Yin coldly crack mouth, the heart reads a to move, a dollar dint pillar the Shan appear and cover down from six directions without basis.
Meanwhile, moreover a huge multicolored light act, Shu ground the Shan appear and cover with all of those people's top of heads from the bank of clouds.
Six dollar dint pillars are a , with person's form suddenly and violently bear for head of the guy, then see out far from good, a tries to escape from the sky, then thinks another way to deal with Ji vast sky.
When they prepare to begin, but discover that the top of head presents a multicolored light act without basis, multicolored from that only act up"mountain;The world is five lines of to order dint, rice act Bu the square fasten Yong to have the flame, ice water and gold the Xuan"small ten cloud present.
Invisible of pressure, quickly spread from that the brilliant colors the light the act, the absolute being soul just prepares to hurtle up, that person's form suddenly and violently bear feel soul suddenly on sinking, unexpectedly be like drive an invisible Tashan press at the soul is above.Want to move, but the detection can not rush out tie at all.
Six dollar dint pillars cover down from six directions.Flood in these 11 people's six capes for an instant.The Human bodies of the gradually multicolored light act of breathing with gloomy improbity underneath stir up beside, be Ji vast sky inching a move soul song in the town of time, these 11 people's souls suddenly have the kind the omen that will be split up to break up.
11 people, present one in succession surprised fear to of feeling, a fears ground to looking at him, scream way:
"Soul song in the town of purgatory ghost clan?"
"You since know soul song in the town, should also know that I want to put~to death to kill yo, that is easy to accomplish, all give me a little bit more honest!"The Ji vast sky is cold to hum a , then reserved six dollar dint pillars at.Didn't continue to start soul song in the town with the soul.
Soul song in the town of purgatory ghost clan is the vicious soul skill that put~to death to kill soul in the endless star area, fierce far Yang.For a long time far age purgatory ghost clan because is big four do evil things in the endless star area, the soul song momentary in town becomes the most evil soul skill pronoun, all of the superiors of each big star area are to profoundly be afraid this incomparable skill, always wide for spread.
Indeed as expected, he after coming out the soul song display in town of the purgatory ghost clan, with person's form suddenly and violently bear for head of these 11"black celestial spirits altar" of nine temple private in the sky, a right away honesty come down, there is no one Zha any further.The person dares to speak to challenge, don't dare as well to again make moves to the orchid aroma a group of people.
"Orchid aroma, exactly and what happened?"Fix those guy after, Ji vast sky just return overdo, hum an after, inquire a way.
The orchid aroma eats big Kui, is again rescued by the Ji vast sky at present, early have no in normal times inside of Ao Jiao, under his inquiry, honestly answer:"We with the old woman of the store together, set out from the valley of Xuan Yuan, cost time in half year just arrive at here.Our purpose natures are for living star ground.So go straight to destination
"Live star ground over there in, is guarded by two influences of Yun starfish area, " black celestial spirits altar, 1.It is "the Hao Miao believes in" to still have one our past of time, only have"the Hao Miao believe in, of several lie.Superior at, there is far and far no our real strenght to be strong."
"We begin together, direct will" Hao Miao believes in.Of the superiors expeled that to live star ground, then strong had that place small however, we have no happy how long, haven't come yet and that live star ground up of stars of fascinatingly take off, more of"the Hao Miao believe in.Of the superior take"black celestial spirits altar.Of nine temple private in the sky rushed through to come over."
"The enemy of arrival, in spite of is a number or a real strenght to want all exceed we, some kind of belligerence after, we loss miserably heavy, have to endure pain silently to give up that to live star ground, with they Be engaging and escaping everywhere and at last and asunder open
The orchid aroma in brief explains the circumstance a time of, fact as expected, on this affair, store and orchid aroma a group of people played a not only colourful role.They appear at the star ground of living of somebody else as a robber, the regrettable robber didn't make into.On the contrary be expeled to come.
"My grandfather when finds out yours?"It scolded low 1 in the Ji vast sky heart.Again ask a way.
"At we strong had that place not much long."That, your grandfather compares" is more conservative, hope after seeing us we return to right away, don't stay where risky.Unfortunately we at that time drive greedy hoodwinked intelligence, don't thought of that the enemy will seek to come up so quickly at all, so"so, " orchid aroma bitter and astringent way.
Ordered to nod, at last understood sequence of events, helpless in the Ji vast sky heart, hum a way:"Is really what a suck!"
No matter how it is see, those guys of the orchid aroma, store and gold net mountain all have only oneself to blame, the somebody else puts together and dies and discovers of live star ground, their robber is similar strong to have, but carelessly kicks sheet iron, finally loss miserably heavy, if not that the orchid aroma, store all calms down to keep in the valley of Xuan Yuan at present, he just can't take care of these people's living.
"Of these guys for damning, also not bashful speak!"Drive multicolored light act the jailbird trap of person's form suddenly and violently bear, the Nu listenning to rises from the heart bottom and cannot helps but scolding out.
"You shut up for me!"The Ji vast sky cold Lie saw his one eye.
Suddenly and violently that person's form bear humed several bottoms, really is honesty shut up, can't, situation not equal to person.Have to lower the head.
Ji vast sky didn't continue to keep on asking more, the circumstance has been already understood at present, responsibility all at orchid aroma this side, his pouring is the guys of not good rightness of"black celestial spirits altar"s to move cutthroat, but he also have no put them right away, but dark write the face secretly deliberate what.
Shout,beats by dre solo!Shout!
Give thunder two brotherses, hold Long Jing of the Nie dragon, on the face seven bore crystal bright Hao simply swallowing to vomit is like a crystal light flickering small snake.
Is also a soul appearance to give thunder 2 people, soul falsely the body has regulation ground slowly tremor, one in fine threads nose the bright ray of light flew to divert from their bodies, around they after turning several turns and then re- depend on at their body up.
According to this method, 2 people's soul ocean drive penny the cent open widely, the 2 people mentality is in this process and also have to fewly promote.
This status kept on probably one Zhu joss-stick of time.The Nie that gives thunder to hold in two brothers hands Long Long Jing, ray of light again silently dreary penny, but give thunder two brotherses, but come to turn to come over together.
"Thank!"Two brotherses respectully Nie Long Long Jing pass to the Ji vast sky, the solemn and peaceful earth's surface reaches his/her own gratitude.
The Han head smiles from two brothers hand lieutenant general Long Jing connect understanding wing wing ground to accept well, then the Ji vast sky just pointed to point opposite drive multicolored rice act heart back …person, way:"Do you know each other those people?"
Give thunder two brotherses just saw one eye, then surprised shout:"How is the black Can you?"
Person's form suddenly and violently the bear surprised Cha ground hope two brotherses.The full face is interrogative, "are you what happened again?You are a skies, vein, how with the guy of the sun star area walk to arrive together?I return be, return be you be imprisonned, have never thought you unexpectedly seem to be quite good with what they got along with, was you beaten to receive?"
The black Can is very strange, always, border ground in this a piece of conflict vehemence, all of veins in the sky are the hasty vanguards that acts as a Yun starfish area, once the superior who discovers the sun star area, vein in the sky is inevitable will is the warrior of Yun starfish area this most brave a cake of, will the very vigorous request put~to death the person of the sun star area of killing everything.
Also because vein in the sky the vehemence is direct in treating the attitude of Yun starfish area, and each a war all hurtle to the in front, turn over cloud the vein just become Yun starfish for sky the area is subjected to the strongest influence of what person respected, as long as is a Yun starfish the area comes to this of superior, all with the vein of the sky Ma Shou look forward.
See at the black Luo, give thunder two brotherses is once taking off to trap.Should greatly open rule against killing to the Ji vast sky just right away to, which expect these two guy airs are incredibly polite, send to a piece of strange thing the hand of Ji vast sky up.Still very the earnestness thank, what this played is which?
"This matter is a bit complicated, I will slowly explain with you."Gave thunder to think for a while, seemed to feel that 12 words say not over, don't narrate in detail.
"Need not explained!"That black net shakes head, one face is resolute, " sun star area and we Yun starfish the area is an irreconcilable enemy, this absolutely can't change!This time the mean mean person of these sun star areas, strong had our bit of of very not easy detection to live a star of ground, also killed"the Hao Miao believe in.And our person.This enemy, we settle however want something to report!"
"Revenge?"The Ji vast sky cold Lie ground swept his one eye, not cold not hot way:"You if have this viewpoint, your 11 people, 1 doesn't think that on the hoof go out!"He is this type of to is the most vexed to can not distinguish condition, will drive old grudge or so guy.
"This matter hands over to us to handle how?.Give row absolute being soul to to the Ji vast sky, sincere way:"Hao Miao's believing in are strong sky of Yun starfish areas private religious sects with all of black celestial spirits altars, we two square if want a cooperation, also need to get more people's approbation.You since want to dissolve the gratitude and grudge of the sun star area, Yun starfish area, can not kill them."
"That I give you one Zha.Face."Pondered for a while, the Ji vast sky lightly noded, soon after the vision cold Lie ground swept that black Can one eye, way:"You all the honesty is a little bit more law-abiding, I don't want to greatly open rule against killing.But you don't also ask for me!"
Even now, the company ice Jie also slowly comes to turn to come over.Is in high spirits, unexpectedly have the white jade the sheen of the small sort to outside overflow on the Qiao face, one eyes son is like the brightest stars, brilliant, dazzling!
"How?"After standing up, company ice shortcut until Ji vast sky body side, inclined that black Can is one eye, freely way:"Wanted to kill them?I help you."
Black Luo a group of people, a Zha.Delivering in the heart is cold.Dark way:This wench is pretty malicious!
"Nothing."Shook to shake head, Ji vast sky way:"Your grandmother, should in the neighborhood of the stars of the front, my essence can not shuttle between the stars and the stars and only again leave soul body, you by the side of my body, protect a method for me."
The company ice Jie nods, "good, you are a little bit more careful, here hand over to me good."
"Give a lane, you temporarily all stay here, H'm, conveniently and that stupid bear discuss, I search my close relatives' trace and hope to also take they to here, all solve the affair."The Ji vast sky knew a meeting to give thunder a , soon after at original the site knee sits down, lord the soul leave a body.
Lord soul after leaving a body, but his essence shut a double eye, and will the breathing concealment of second soul get up.Don't make anyone discover.
Of so do so, he is to want and see to give thunder two brotherses, and that black Luo a group of people will can't have disloyalty when his soul leave a body and test these people.
If their heart is irregular, want to loot Long Jing in the his hand, he the second soul will present ancient nine become unique, round up all at one fell swoop these people.
The lord soul leaves a body and flies to go out from this dead star.Fell into an extensive star area, shuttled between the stars and the stars.
According to the designation of orchid aroma, he quickly toward that faraway stars up fly to, and Hai idea the ground release oneself's soul breathing on the body.Hoping someone to lead off responds his existence, active depend come up.
That stars is in his soul view.Only the fist is similar great this elucidation leave his distance not not far near, urge soul energy to send out, the absolute being soul of Ji vast sky falsely body as if night sky meteor.Very and quickly toward that stars up fly.
Suddenly, the Ji vast sky soul livings a kind of marvellous felling and invites to invite unclearly, he detection because the variety of soul ocean, unexpectedly make the fluxion speed of the energy in the soul ocean speed many.
Falsely the body fleets away in the star sky, his speed wants to compare before quickly 500% all not only!
The soul energy is constant, but because the soul ocean is expanded, because the potential is urged to deliver the territory of nine temple highest points in the sky, he obviously gets a tremendous advantage.Before he didn't discover, the at top speed soul flies and immediately feels that the expanding of soul ocean had much advantage to him now.
Is original to need for a long time just can arrive of stars, in very short time inside, have already become large to focus attention, save his several efforts of timeses
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