
Beats by Dr Dre Pro of ancient!These mou

Chapter 255 Lang city
"Is the mountain more?"Listen to Liu Xiang finish saying, public was all surprised to shout.The Luo the sun brain neutral horse was a flash across concerning the mountain more of introduction.
Speaking of this mountain more is in fact the national minority that lives in Chiang-Nan a to take this age, the mountain more main activity there are many mountains in river's east, too on taking, certainly in the Yang state the evidence of activity is more.As for the race that calls mountain more, should be able to say is 100 more medium 1, study its source, even can pursue to the burning yellow period of ancient!These mountains are more main to take household, clansmen as foundation, distribute at the mountain area everywhere, but mountain more clansmen, usually all extremely fight well.
At the beginning Luo's sun when the future generations serves as a special kind soldier, also once and the mountains of future generations more the descendant once beat some handed over a way, however the mountain of future generations more had already assimilated about with Hahn people, only minority of a few mountain Zhais still respected an ancestral habit and remained a life in the mountain area and lived don't contend for with a life time of life, Luo's sun even once once had the friendship of life with person of inheritting of an among those mountains Zhai.
"This, there is mountain in this Lang city neighborhood more?"Once Luo's sun listen to Liu Xiang suddenly and bring up mountain more and hurriedly ask a way.If this the mountain of the period more relationship with Hahn people how can not like, so if mountain more and pour and still really probably do this kind of matter and think of now, the Yu chapter is the hero city of future generations, the Gan province is more also a mountain one of the district of activity is more probably still really a mountain!
This answer Luo's sun of, but isn't China Xin, but this Peng Ze and nine rivers' native of the places, Jiang Qin and week Tai.2 people saw one eye mutually, Jiang Qin noded to say to Luo's sun:"Lord male!Really there are all many mountain people in this Yu chapter, nine rivers and the neighborhood of Peng Ze!"The mountain people in Jiang Qin Kou is more in fact a mountain, the mountain people is a more another mountain form of address.
Week Tai but is immediately after say:"But lord male!The end will wait the person stay here for several years so, but is have never heard the mountain here owned by private capital so big courage?Besides the mountain here the people is different from the mountain people of other places, they don't have much old grudge with Hahn people's, some still usually run to arrive to below the hills trade and exchange some life necessities with Hahn people!"
"This, it is quite good to pour!"If the end China Xin is also noded to confirm week Tai, " China Xin is so these years, has never touched mountain to more harass the local residents' affairs at the Yu chapter, don't even say to come together many people to strike against county city!With China Xin it sees, the Lang city is more rounded, should be a mountain this time BE!At least, should be the Yu chapter Peng Ze the mountain of the neighborhood more BE!"Wanted to think, China Xin finally still added a , but calculate to this, China Xin is also how don't make sure, after all mountain more the person is very strong to the concept of territory, hardly leave own territory, go to an another place.
The Luo sun dark wears a face, although he by now didn't seem to be before to so cut up rough,did not represent him and then can completely calm down.Still just Luo's sun nearby of Guo Jia sign the consolation way of openings horse:"Lord Mr. stop worrying, please!Since yellow the general lead troops go to, by all means can smooth extrication princess and week general!The whole problems by all means will have a result as well when the time comes!"
The matter arrives at present, Luo's sun also had no other ways, and could order to nod.Born such a matter, the public nature also had no fascination to continue to drink alcohol to have a good time, once Luo's sun wave hand, simply spread so to.Luo's sun even connects the affair of river east noble family also there is no idea considering, can be to guard in the district magistrate mansion and wait Huang Zhong's news.
But about have 800 in the west of Peng Ze in of the Lang city is exactly that the signal fire is billowing at the moment, a combat of vehemence just in the Lang city that already decrepit and unbearable city head up living.
"Drink!Kill!Kill!Kill!Niang of!Again come!"The week Cang whole body is all up and down stained with full blood Zi, have an enemy among them, also have his own, brandish the long-handled sword of his own that specially made in the hand, the full face ferociously comes up back to chop down to kill in the city head, the place arrived by edge of knife, unexpectedly and neither match of enemy!And lead in the Cang in week under, on the city head of guard a soldier is also strive to kill an enemy, an enemies who will hurtle a city head to rushed through city to go!
However, although the week Cang waits a person brave, the enemy out of the city that is closely, keep moving offensive toward the city head.If isn't a city gate early and then be issued order by the week Cang to use piece of stone to stop up completely, only afraid this time city gate early drive those enemy to offend to break!
Even if is such, so many enemies dash up and also let the Cang in week leads of guard a soldier to consumedly can not stand.Connected to chop down to kill a few returns, the dead is under the Cang knife in week of, also had 100 people at least, and week Cang body up is also this many several wounds, there is a wound for the chest in the Cang in week, again deeply last several cents, only afraid was about to peep out bone!
The week Cang at the moment has already killed red eye, where still attend to own last condition of the injury!See the strength head that he so back and forth hurtle to kill, even those cruel as predatory animal enemy, is also not from must be some to be afraid, simply from afar see the Cang in week come and all round to open him to seek other people to fight to!
However this up, most let these enemies who offend city Dan Zhan of, isn't a week Cang, but the Cangs that are apart from a week not another body form of the distance big and strong war will!Sees this is high big the shape, head circle circle of, a pair of eyes Mi became 1 to sew, be like don't free from tangle, had a liking for to pour is amicable, just on this face, at the moment but is to have already spread all over blood Zi, seem to be some indescribable!And this hand in hold of the weapon is also peculiar, unexpectedly is one handle big iron ball, this iron ball outward appearance has a liking for to go and pour is use with those blacksmiths to beat ferrous iron ball just about, is a but is way too big.The that handle of the week Cang strange knife has been enough big, can this handle big iron ball but is than the long-handled sword of the Cang in week still want greatly ascend 100% enough to spares!
Original according to reason, so big iron ball, amount of affirmation is to weigh very much, but this will start to play this big iron ball, absolutely be like carried a fuel generally easy and convenient!If isn't that big iron ball to knock the enemy is at those body up, is all end that falls in a flesh and blood faintness all of a sudden each time, also let everybody to doubt whether this iron ball uses what paper stick!Because have so one member is fierce will here, then week Cang can in this Lang city, with the attack that several hundred people guard several thousand enemies, had been dragging along till now!
Week Cang one knife give°s an enemy of front to chop down to turn over in the ground, one title, at the right moment saw distance not of that will, right away would was to loudly shout:"Is old to allow!You have already polished off how many persons?I is just arrived 150 be getting more whole!Alas!!BE 151!"BE saying words, an enemy ah ah ground stand gun toward week the Cang stabbed to come over, the week Cang anti- hand was one knife again, direct give°ed the head of the other party to chop down down!
That surname allows fiercely to glimpse a title the Cang in week, once the Hey Hey smile, a hammer be on sweeping, unexpectedly direct give° the top half of nearby three enemies to sweep have no!Immediately he twists overdo, shout a way toward the Cang in week:"General!I just arrived 271!"
"E!"Listen to the words of the other party, week Cang that opens widely black face Shua the ground sank down, becoming that was more black, and the mouth inside keeps whispering:"271!271!"That long-handled sword on the hand that is to more flick more quick, and is specialized blunt toward the most place for enemy, very anxious to[one] person all kills for the enemies on the whole city head light!
"Dang Dang Dang-!"Do not is excessive long, a blare the gold voice is from the city unauthorized biography come over, immediately those enemies are generally like at low ebb, Hua the ground is to outside back to return to and turn an eye to back cleaned out toward the city, leaves a ground of corpse and blood Zi.
"Alas!!Really desperately!"That the surname allow fiercely to see the enemy draw off, long long the ground is comfortable tone, signing the horse is to raise the hand movable activity shoulder.Just his hand up but still hold that handle greatly must frighten the person's big iron ball, he this in a flash move, that big iron ball is to follow to in the sky shout the ground rows a turn and see nearby of those guard non-commissioned officer, soldier's a s all hide from a distance.It is that that is fierce to fear hand a loose, that has already been stained with full blood and the big iron ball of brains will fall in own head!
But in the week Cang of one side but is that one face isn't happy, still and just and without intermission reads Dao in mouth:"271!271!Be really of, why and so early withdraw troops this time!Make me more beat in a short while!Again much ascend in a short while!In a short while!I can definitely lead!"
That surname allows fiercely to see the Cang in week and right away would be ha ha on smiling, big iron ball to once the ground throw, as a result but hit on the ground a pit of eldest brother!That is fierce to pour to also ignore so many, run in quick time to week Cang in front, toward the Cang in week to say with smile:"Week general!Just I but polished off 283 enemies!How much are you?Say good!Today you if lose again!Wait until after beating off an enemy, you have to compensate me 50 altar good wine!"
"283!"If the week Cang listen to get the other party, the cheeks doesn't live ground to have muscular spasms, good heavens!Oneself how at the beginning will ascend with this monster wager!50 altar wine!The week Cang rises to do general this to also have no how much date, get of where does the salary enough buy so much wine to compensate to the other party!Seeing to saying can not be asking the Pei dollar the Shao to plea for help when the time comes!
"Oh!Week general?Week general?You hear have no?BE 50 altar good wine!50 altars!"If that being fierce will see the Cang in week foolish over there, also think that the Cang in week didn't listen to own know, is to connect to emphasize to reply several times again, even still stretched out a palm, flaps about in the at present return of the Cang in week, this slap was five fingers, nature be represented those 50 altar wines, used to the Cang of reminding the week.
Week Cang drive the other party so in a flash, that was to sway more fidgetily, right away was a fire, stared one eye that is fierce will, Rang Rang get up:"Is noisy what?Is noisy what?Not 50 altar wine!Wait until to beat off an enemy!I a quasi- give you be!Allow!Your size is also a squad Be getting longer!After waiting until this repulse enemy, I then to lord Mr. on recommending, you are about to also be to ascend our general of brave soldier's soldier!We the general of brave soldier's soldier, that can be the all fantastic person, you don't always and so the coarse annoy not very good!Really fall!"Say till the last, the week Cang was simply to leap a words that learned there from Luo's sun,Beats by Dr Dre Pro, on the whole is speak well chest in of depressed lends machine is in the head for leaking the other party!
This book.
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